April 2016 Newsletter

Ritchie Cogan
Ritchie Cogan 11th April 2016

Ali reads a book with the help of a solar lantern made from recycled parts at his home in Bangladesh. Credit: Abir Abdullah / Climate Visuals Countdown


Welcome to IBT’s April newsletter with an update on our work and relevant news from the media industry.    (Download/Print this Newsletter)


This month’s briefing with The World Tonight

We have a few places left for our next briefing, which will be with Roger Sawyer, the recently appointed editor of The World Tonight, Radio 4’s flagship news and current affairs show. Roger also edits the World Service programme, Newshour. He has a strong interest in international issues and stories and The World Tonight has always had significantly more international coverage than other radio and tv news bulletins. Roger will explain to us how content is commissioned by the two programmes, how studio guests are recruited – and where this fits in with the rest of the BBC News operation. This event is free and open to all IBT members. It will take place from 10 -11.30 on Wednesday April 27th at the IBT offices in Southwark. If you’d like to attend, please register now, using the members’ area of the IBT website. Any problems registering, just let me know and I’ll be happy to help.


Last month’s briefing with Marie Claire and GQ

Last month we heard from Andrea Thompson, Features Editor at Marie Claire and Stuart McGurk, Senior Commissioning Editor at British GQ. These are two magazines that have remained strongly committed to running in depth global stories. Both Andrea and Stuart said they did not receive many pitches from NGOs and they are keen to receive more. But the pitches should not be generic – original journalism with a new angle on a familiar story would work well for GQ; a case study with a strong female angle about an important global issue or story would work well for Marie Claire. Pitches should go direct to Andrea and Stuart by email – bear in mind that both magazines have long lead times. Notes from this event are available on the members’ page of the IBT website.


Training sessions next month

We have three training events next month. Places are limited as these sessions work best with small groups. All three will be run by Mary Mitchell, our regular social media trainer. If you’d like to attend, please register via the members’ page of the IBT website. If you’re not sure whether these sessions are right for you, please get in touch and I will provide more details.


  1. An Introduction to Instagram and Snapchat

This hands-on training session will introduce participants to the capabilities of Instagram and Snapchat, ideas of when to use these platforms for campaigns and an overview of the audiences on each platform.  With exercises including image editing and writing captions, this session is designed for users who are familiar with social media but have limited experience of Instagram or Snapchat. It will take place on Tuesday May 3rd from 9.30am to 1pm at the IBT offices in Southwark.


  1. Twitter for beginners

This hands-on session is aimed at newcomers to Twitter. It will cover the basics of the platform and its functionality, tips on finding and scheduling content, measuring success, using Twitter to fundraise, and how to spark conversation. The session will showcase case studies from the international development sector and provide ideas for how to get started building a charity brand and engaging your audience in conversation.  It will take place on Tuesday May 10th from 9.30am to 1pm at the IBT offices in Southwark.


  1. Going further with Twitter

This interactive training session is pitched at those engaging regularly with Twitter and wanting to think more about defining and measuring success, as well as learning about new ways to use the platform. The session will cover topics including content, frequency, paid advertising capabilities, and using video content through interrogations with services like Periscope and Vine. With practical exercises and a chance to learn from the experiences of others in the sector, participants will leave with fresh ideas for how to make the most of Twitter and ensure it ties into overall organisational marketing strategy. This session takes place on Tuesday May 17th from 9.30am to 1pm at the IBT offices in Southwark.



Other news in brief

  • One World Media has announced the long list for all 15 categories of the awards which will take place on Thursday June 16th. Tickets for the awards will go on sale later this month.http://www.oneworldmedia.org.uk/longlist-2016


Framing the future of water – tonight

I’ll be chairing an event at the Frontline Club tonight which examines how the media can be more effective in engaging target audiences with the complex issue of water. Tickets are still available. If you’re unable to attend, you can follow on Twitter using the hashtag #futureofwater.


Best wishes




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